The SEE exam 2081 will start from Chaitra 07, 2081 (March 20, 2025) and end on Chaitra 19, 2081 (April 01, 2025).
The National Education Board has published SEE 2081 Exam Routine for class 10 in Nepal on 14th January 2025. The Secondary Education Examination (SEE) is the final term in secondary level in Nepal, conducted by NEB.
The Class 10th final examination in Nepal is usually held in April or May of each year. They publish the official notice through via PDF include information such as the exams’ dates, times, and subjects.
Key Details on Exam Shedule
Details | SEE 2081 Final Exam Info |
Exam Start Date | 2081, Chaitra 7 |
Exam End Date | 2081, Chaitra 15 |
Exam Routine Release Date | 14th January 2081 (1st Magh 2081) |
Exam Timing | 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM |
Board | National Education Board |
Website | |
SEE Exam Routine 2080/81

The Secondary Education Examination under NEB has released the latest schedules and dates for the class 10th final exam. Check the table below.
English Date | Nepali Date | Subject |
20 March 2025 | 2081, Chaitra 7 | C. English |
21 March 2025 | 2081, Chaitra 8 | C. Nepali |
23 March 2025 | 2081, Chaitra 10 | C. Math |
25 March 2025 | 2081, Chaitra 12 | C. Science |
26 March 2025 | 2081, Chaitra 13 | C. Social Studies |
27 March 2025 | 2081, Chaitra 14 | Optional 1st |
28 March 2025 | 2081, Chaitra 15 | Optional 2nd |
Notice for Class 10th Examination Dates for 2025 – Source and PDFs
Click Here to Download the official SEE shedule for Regular and Grade Increment PDF.

Secondary Education Examination Schedule
Exam Date | Subject |
Chaitra 7th, 2081, Thursday | Compulsory English (Regular & Increment) Ved Vidhyashram: Compulsory Sanskrit Language and Literature / Compulsory English Madrasah: Compulsory Arabic Language / Compulsory English Grade Increment: Compulsory English / Compulsory Sanskrit Language and Literature (Ved Vidhyashram) |
Chaitra 8th, 2081, Friday | Compulsory Nepali (Regular and Grade Increase) Elective English (for Non-Nepali Students) |
Chaitra 10th, 2081, Sunday | Compulsory Mathematics (Regular & Increment) |
Chaitra 12th, 2081, Tuesday | Compulsory Science & Technology Ved Vidhyashram: Shukla Yajurveda / Samaveda / Rig Ved / Atharvaveda / Ethics / Compulsory Science and Technology Madrasah: Sirat and Islamic / Compulsory Science and Technology Grade Increment: Compulsory Science, Compulsory Sanskrit Grammar & Translation (Ved Vidhyashram) |
Chaitra 13th, 2081, Wednesday | Compulsory Social Studies Technical: Compulsory Social Studies / Optional Mathematics Ved Vidhyashram: Sanskrit Language and Grammar Grade Increment: Farm Management and Marketing, Engineering Drawing, Computer Repair and Maintenance (Technical) |
Chaitra 14th, 2081, Thursday | Regular & Ved Vidhyashram: Optional First Paper All Subjects (Regular & Grade Increment) Technical: Animal Health, Industrial Agriculture and Fish Culture, Data Science and OOP Concept using C++, Building Construction and Drawing, Electrical Machine, Classical Music Grade Increment: Ved or Ethics (for Ved Vidhyashram) / Optional Mathematics (for Technical) |
Chaitra 15th, 2081, Friday | Regular & Ved Vidhyashram: Optional Second Paper All Subjects (Regular and Grade Increase) Technical: Dairy Product Technology, Food Crop Production, Computer Hardware, Electronics Repair and Maintenance, Highway Engineering, Basic Electronics, Nepali Folk Music Grade Increment: Agriculture and Fisheries, Electrical Management and Instrument, Computer Network, Engineering Surveying (Technical), Second Optional Paper All Subjects (Ved Vidhyashram) |
Chaitra 16th, 2081, Saturday | Technical (Regular): Veterinary Laboratory Technology, Horticulture Crop Production, Data-Based Management System, Engineering Surveying, Industrial Installation and Maintenance, Western Music Grade Increment: Vegetable and Medicinal Plant Production, Dairy and Dairy Products, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Database Management System, Building Construction |
Chaitra 17th, 2081, Sunday | Technical (Regular): Aquaculture and Fisheries, Floriculture and Nursery Production, Digital Design and Microprocessor, Estimating, Costing and Supervision, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Optional Subject (Singing / Musical Instrument / Dance) Grade Increment: Crop Production, Small Ruminant Production and Management, Electronic Device and Circuit, Water Resources Engineering |
Chaitra 18th, 2081, Monday | Grade Increment: Compulsory Health, Population and Environment Education, Ritual/Falit Astrology (toward Ved Vidhyashram), Compulsory Sanskrit Language (toward Sanskrit), Industrial Entomology and Mushroom, Animal Health-II, Electrical Machine, Microprocessor, Highway Engineering (toward Technology) |
Chaitra 19th, 2081, Tuesday | Grade Increment: Floriculture and Nursery Management, Veterinary Laboratory Techniques, Industrial Installation and Maintenance, Object-Oriented Programming, Estimating Costing and Supervision |
Points to Remember before and after exam

Information converted to English.
- Even if there is an emergency holiday, the examination will not be postponed without prior notification of the National Examination Board Examination Control Office.
- The examination for both the regular and grade increase groups will be held at the same time as per the mentioned schedule.
3 Date 2081 Chaitra 09th Saturday and 11th Monday no examination of any subject will be conducted. - Admit card will be mandatory to enter the examination hall.
- The information about the examination centers will be from the respective Education Development Directorate and Education Development and Coordination Units.
- Candidates who do not participate in the examination according to the specified center and schedule will not be given another arrangement for the examination.
- The exam should be given from the symbol number mentioned in the admit card. The symbol number mentioned in the admit card will not be changed. If the exam is given in the code number, the exam will be canceled automatically.
- The head of the center should make necessary arrangements in coordination with the respective schools for the facilitation of the candidates with disabilities, pregnant women and children taking the SEE.
- There will be no change in the examination center of both the regular and grade enhancement groups.
- When the examinee fills the registration/examination application form, the date of birth and the spelling of the name and surname mentioned in the form are compared with the control list provided by this office. In case the difference is to be amended, the relevant school must amend the details by the end of Baisakh 2082, compulsorily through the concerned Education Development and Coordination Unit or Please send it directly to this office.
If anything related to the examination is not clear, you can contact National Examination Board, Examination Control Office, Class 10, Sanothimi on phone numbers 01-6630739 or 01-6630070.
The above information is extracted from the National Examination Board website: and Examination Control Office Class 10 website:
When will the exam routine be released?
The Exam Routine for the Class 10th final exam was released on 14th January 2025, which is in Nepali date is 1st Magh 2081.
What subjects will be included in the exam?
The subjects included in class 10th final SEE exam 2025 are Compulsory English, Math, Nepali, Science, Social Studies, and Optional Subjects.
How much time is there between each exam?
The exams will be between 8:00 am to 11:00 am, and for the dates of compulsory subjects, there are not many gaps.
When will SEE exam 2081 start and end of in Nepal?
The exam will start from 2081, Chaitra 7, and end on 2081, Chaitra 19.