Super Madi Hydropower Ltd. IPO is open for all project-affected locals and Nepalese foreign workers from 6th to 20th December 2022.
The IPO is currently not available for the General public, it will be available for purchase as soon as the date of the application for Locals and Foreign workers is Over.
Super Madi Hydropower IPO Open in Nepal for Locals and Workers
Company | Super Madi Hydropower Ltd. |
Issue manager | Sanima Capital Limited |
Issue Type | Locals | Foreign Workers |
Total Capital | 21,000,000 Units |
Total Issue (Locals) | 1,050,000 Units (5%) |
General Public | 210,0000 Units |
Foreign Workers | 21,00,00 unit |
Issue Open Date | 6th December 2022 10:00 AM |
Issue Closing Date | 20th December 2022 5:00 PM |
Minimum Unit | 10 |
Maximum Unit | 50000 |
Super Madi Hydropower has an issued capital of Rs. 2.10 Arba and they plan to rise 10.5 crores from the project-affected locals of Madi VDC, Kaski District.
The public of Nepal gets a total of 10% from SMHL’s issued capital which is 2,100,000 Units, and the application for IPO will be opened very soon.
From the pubic issue, another 10% will be allocated for Nepalese foreign works which are 2,10,000 units.
Both Locals and Workers can apply a minimum of 10 units and a maximum of 50,000 units of shares. Sanima Capital Limited has been appointed as the issue manager.
Rating for Supermadi Hydropower by ICRA Nepal
ICRA Nepal rated SMHL on November 22, 2021, as [ICRANP-IR] BB which is pronounced ICRA NP issuer rating double B.