Rastriya Parichaya Patra: NID Pre Enrollment in Nepal

National Identity Card Pre Enrollment

You can apply for National Identity Card in Nepal through the online NID Pre-Enrollment System or fill out and submit a registration form for Rastriya Parichaya Patra at DAO.

Rastriya Parichaya Patra in Nepal is a digital Identity card that holds all the personal and biometric data of Nepali citizens. Every card has its unique identification number known as “NIN” or National identification number. It is like your citizenship number, and all the citizens of Nepal can get this card. The government’s Department of National ID and Civil Registration (DONIDCR) collects these data.

ApplicationNID Card
Who can apply?Nepali Citizens
Application ModeOnline
Application Sitehttps://enrollment.donidcr.gov.np/
Application FeeFree
Biometrics77 DAO
41 AAO
ReportThrough SMS
Office Opening Time10:00 am
NID Card Pre Enrollment Details

Pre Enrollment of National Identity Card | Donidcr.gov.np Online Apply

National Identity Card
Nepal’s National Identity Card Sample Image

You can apply for NID Card by filling out an online pre enrollment application form, choosing the desired date to submit Biometrics and documents, then receiving your National ID Card and Identification Number.

Application for the National Identity Card Nepal can be submitted using 2 methods,

  1. Online Registration at donidcr.gov.np or,
  2. Submit the Application Form at District Administrative Office.

Process to apply for NID Card Nepal

You can submit your application either way mentioned above, and after successful registration, you will get appointment dates for Biometrics and document submission.

Visit the office you selected at 10 am (during opening hours), and within an hour, they will register your Biometrics and complete the application process.

If you fail to provide the necessary documents or information, then they will not accept your application. Check for the documents listed below.

If your application is approved, you will receive your National Identification Number from SMS.

Documents required for National Identity Card

The documents required to apply for a National Identity Card in Nepal are listed below:

  1. Application form
  2. Passport size Photo
  3. Citizenship for Identity verification
  4. Parent’s citizenship
  5. Marriage certificate (Couples only)
  6. Migration certificate or “Basai Sarai” (If changed state permanently)
  7. Death certificate (If your partner is no more)

Any Nepalese who has citizenship and is 16 years or above can apply for Rastriya Parichaya Patra.

Steps to apply for a National Identity Card in Nepal Online

To apply for a National Identity Card online in Nepal, follow the steps below:

  • Visit donidcr.gov.np.
  • Click on Login for Individual. (Enter your mobile & submit OTP)
  • Click on New Enrollment.
  • Add your personal details.
  • Add contact details. (NID Card Number will be sent here)
  • Add family details. (Parents and Grandparents Details)
  • Select desired appointment dates. (For Biometrics)
  • After confirming, submit it.#

Note: Download Google Input Tool to type in Nepali in NID Pre-Enrollment System (For desktop only)

If you are still confused about how to fill out the online application form, then you can watch this Youtube video by Swagat Gyawali. He has explained everything step by step in his video.

Video Credit: Swagat Gyawali

receive National identification number

You will receive your national identification number within a few days through SMS after successfully submitting your application form. But to receive your National Identity Card, you will have to wait.

These cards are prepared by the Department of National Identity Card and Registration at Singha Durbar. After printing these NID cards, they will distribute them to the District Administration Office of respective states.

As this is a nationwide operation, the wait is over a year. Once the card is ready, you will be notified by phone for a pick-up request.

Receiving National Identity Number NIN sample
National Identity Number Nepal

How to get National Identification Number from Mobile SMS?

After submitting the online application form, you will receive a confirmation number. Follow the steps below to request your National Identification Number or NIN.

  1. Going to the Message app,
  2. Then, Type N <space> Number and then Send it,
  3. You will receive your NIN Number.

If your confirmation number is 1234567890, then type N 1234567890 and send it to 30001.

Get National Identity Number in Nepal from SMS
Receive National Identification Number from SMS

How to fill Rastriya Parichaya Patra Form?

If you are unable to fill out the online form, then you can download the Rastriya Parichaya Patra form pdf file.

The form asks a question related to you and your family only, so it is easy, but still, here is a sample of how to fill the form.

Rastriya Parichaya Patra form download pdf:

NID Card PDF file
National Identity Card Nepal 2023 application sample form
Rastriya Parichaya Patra form 2080
Sample of Rastriya Parichaya Patra form 2080

How to submit Rastriya Parichaya Patra Form Offline?

First, Download the form from above and check the sample on how to fill out Rashtriya Parichaya patra.

Visit your state’s District Administration Office. They have set up a separate section for NID cards only.

Request them for an appointment date, and visit on the date given by the parichaya patra section employee. (You might get the date of 2 or 3 days later)

I suggest you visit the office before 10 am and submit your application form as soon as the office opens.

As it is on a first-come, first-served basis, submit as fast as possible.

Personal Experience

In Pokhara, they are taking these forms in District Administration Office, Lakeside. I applied for the NID Card in Nepal offline, and it took me a few days to fully submit my application.

Because their system was not working the day before, they delayed my application to serve previous applicants.

Visited the office around 10:00 am, and my work was done around 11:10 and received my Rastraya parichaya number a few minutes later.

Update on Where to apply for NID Card Nepal

The District Administration Offices in all 77 districts and 41 area administration offices of Nepal facilitate applying for the National ID Card.

  • District Administration Office, Kathmandu: Citizens from Parsa and Dhanusha in Madhesh Province can apply except for Lalitpur and Bhaktapur.
  • District Administration Office, Lalitpur: Karnali and Sudur Paschim provinces and from Saptari and Sarlahi in Madhesh are eligible.
  • Narayanhiti Durbar Premises: All states from Koshi, Lumbini, Gandaki provinces and Siraha, Mahottari, Bara, and Rautahat.
  • National City Hall: Nepal government employees, former employees, and distinguished people while families of civil service employees. 


How can I check and apply for a national identity card in Nepal?

Visit DONIDCR’s official website, “https://donidcr.gov.np/”, sign up, fill up the form, and then go for the biometric submission.

Can I get my National ID card online?

Yes, you can apply for a NID card online, but to submit or give Biometrics, you must visit the district office or where they are accepting it in your area.

What documents are needed for national ID?

Documents needed for Rastriya Parichaya Patra are the Application form, citizenship, marriage certificate (If married) & death certificate (If other half is no more).

Where can I get a National ID card in Kathmandu?

You can apply online and then visit the office accepting Biometrics.

How can I type Nepali in the NID Pre enrollment system

To type in Nepali, download Google Input Tool Nepali to type in the NID pre-enrollment system.

How can I get the NID or Rashtriya Parichaya Patra number from my Mobile?

After submitting the form and successfully getting approved. SMS your confirmation number to 30001.
For Eg: N <space> 1234567890 send it to 30001

Can I register for NID twice?

If you’ve been mistaken while filling out the form, you can edit and make a correction or request while giving your Biometrics.

What if I lost or broke the card? Can I get a new NID Card?

You can apply to District Administration Office with a reason; after verifying, they will provide it as a copy.

37 thoughts on “Rastriya Parichaya Patra: NID Pre Enrollment in Nepal”

  1. If you have Valid “Migration certificate” – Basai Sarai then Bhaktapur.
    Add new Ward Number as this will reflect on your NID Card.

    When you visit DAO for BioMetric they will ask if all details you filled are valid, tell them these details to avoid any mistakes.
    Hope these help.

  2. My citizenship was made from parsa district but currently i live in bhaktapur and i made migration certificate too. Now what is my permanent address? Whether it should be parsa or bhaktapur??

    And if the answer is bhaktapur then at the time of making migration certificate it is ODA no. 01 but now it change to 05. So, what should i put?

  3. There is nothing Nepalese citizens can do about it, you can request for NIN (Number) but you must wait for SMS to receive your National Identity Card.

  4. Maile national id card ko form fill gareko 3 years huna lagyo kina ahile samma card banyo vanera message nai ako xaina please some one help me

  5. Hello,
    According to DONIDCR’s official website FAQ.

    राष्ट्रिय परिचयपत्रमा उल्लेखित विवरण त्रुटी भएमा वा विवरण थपघट गर्नु परेमा सम्बन्धित व्यक्तिले त्यस्तो
    विवरण सच्याउन वा थपघट गर्न राष्ट्रिय परिचयपत्र बनिसकेपछि तोकिए बमोजिमको ढाँचामा जिल्ला प्रशासन
    कार्यालय वा ईलाका प्रशासन कार्यालयमा रहेको विवरण दर्ता स्टेशनमा गई निबेदन दिई विवरण सच्याउन
    सक्नेछ। यसरी विवरण सच्याउदा परिचयपत्र नम्बर परिवर्तन हुदैन।

    I suggest you, to visit you applcation centre for more infromation.

  6. Manisha Shrestha

    Please Help! Maile NID no. Leko nearly 1 year huna lagyo aani tya mero english surname mistake xa. Yo mistake le passport banauna mildaina kasari milaune aaba yo NID number xa Card aako xaina.

  7. Aanand Thakur

    राष्ट्रिय परिचयपत्र मा नागरिता को किसिम गल्ती भयेमा जस्तै वंसज नागरिता छ त्रर मिस्टेक को कारण ले राष्ट्रिय परिचय पत्र मा जनमसिद त्यो लाई सच्याउन मिल्छ कि नै please Reply Sir🙏

  8. Hello, I received a similar email a few days back.

    And here is what I have found on the FAQ section of DONIDCR’s official website:

    राष्ट्रिय परिचयपत्रमा उल्लेखित विवरण त्रुटी भएमा वा विवरण थपघट गर्नु परेमा सम्बन्धित व्यक्तिले त्यस्तो
    विवरण सच्याउन वा थपघट गर्न राष्ट्रिय परिचयपत्र बनिसकेपछि तोकिए बमोजिमको ढाँचामा जिल्ला प्रशासन
    कार्यालय वा ईलाका प्रशासन कार्यालयमा रहेको विवरण दर्ता स्टेशनमा गई निबेदन दिई विवरण सच्याउन
    सक्नेछ। यसरी विवरण सच्याउदा परिचयपत्र नम्बर परिवर्तन हुदैन।

  9. maile form vareko 2 din vayo mero municipality wrong bhako raixa card aako xaina tyo white paper matra xa how can i correct my mistake?

  10. ysto msgs aunxa k bahera hola

    Inappropriate data entered
    Please enter valid and correct data

  11. Hello, Department of National Id and Civil Registration sends NIN through SMS.
    You can request your National Identity Number through SMS to verify.
    You will need your Submission number (You will find this on the page you receive after registration or bio).
    Check the process above.

    DONICR has a call center you can call and ask for information.

  12. Usually it is because of Date Format, which should be in “YYYY-MM-DD (2052-06-22)“.
    Please check if this was not the reason for error, then please do reply.

  13. Radhe shyam Ray

    My date of birth is right but its showing please put valid date then what to do sir

  14. Biometrics submission paxi to know your National Identity Number: Type “N Confirmation Number” and send it to 30001 (Image pani xa mathi for more info)

  15. Popular gahatraj

    Sir,maile rastriya parichaya patrako lagii bio matrics sabai gate but mero approve vanera msg nai aayena jilla ma pH gareko mathhi bata hereko xina vanxa ani nid office ma pH gareko doc nai dekhanuna vanxa k garne hola

  16. You can choose an appointment date online (Available Date) if you do not get the desired date then visit District Office (Biometrics center in your area) and request them to give you your desired date with reason.

    And I don’t see any rule for mobile phones, also I think you can request them to change your phone number during biometrics.

  17. Suresh Tamang

    Online application submit garda otp aune mobile number afnai namma registration vako number dina parne ho ra?? Ani apply gareko kati dinma appointment painxa hola? Apply garna parne manxe bahira hunu hunxa tei vayera yo prasana gareko. Thorai din ko chutti ma auna parne vayera aaile online apply gardai garum vanera bt sim yeta xaina . So maile afnai mobile number use garera online submit garna khojdai xu. Is it possible??

  18. Aadarsha Baral

    Kathmandu ko le , Pokhara bata parichaya patra banauna pauxa ki nai ?

  19. Namaste,
    Hi! Is the registration for NIC currently only available in Nepal, or is it also available outside of Nepal, for Nepalese working/residing overseas?
    Thank you.

  20. Personal experience,
    Mero parents lai, marriage certificate liyera aunu vannu vako theyo.
    and grandfather lai death certificate.

    I think it is compulsory to have those documents, you can contact them (the number is in the image above)

  21. If you are submitting an offline form then it depends. Usually, they accept.
    But my friend’s application was denied by the Pokhara office saying Currently we are not accepting applications from other states (7 months ago).

  22. Arun kumar Shrestha

    Can we get NID card from Kathmandu, if we are not permanent resident of Kathmandu but currently living in there?

  23. Shree Ram Paudyal

    Sir perment district ko cdo office mai visit Garda Pani hunx hoina???

  24. Question ali clear bujyna!

    Office bata ni date liye hunxa xitai dinxa..
    Maile online form varera, office gayera date liko. 2 din paxi bolako theyo.(Kaski region)

  25. Date magh ko balla cha k garne teti time samma kurna parne ho ki office gayera bujna milcha?

  26. Hello, तपाइँले जारी भएको मिति टाइप गर्न सक्नुभकोछैन कि NEXT गर्दा स्वीकार गर्दैन?

  27. मोवाईल बाट भर्दा नागरिकता जारी भएको मिति किन मिल्दैन

  28. Thanks you, parichaya patra ko form kasri varne vanera confuse thiye sample payo and parichaya patra ko pdf form pani.

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