How to Apply Online Shram Swikriti Form in Nepal?

Online Shram Swikriti Application

You can apply for your Work Permit for Foreign Employment from the Department of Foreign Employment’s website.

Nepalese citizens from Nepal and those working abroad can submit new application for online Shram Swikriti form or renewal by logging in to their FEIMS account.

In this blog post, we have written a step-by-step process on how to get your FEIMS account and then apply for Shram Swikriti online from Nepal and abroad.

DocumentShram Swikriti Card
UnderDepartment of Foreign Employment
BeneficiaryNepalese Citizens
Head OfficeKathmandu
Payment ModeOnline
Walfare AmountRs 1500
Payment Required1. Insurance
2. Welfare Fund
3. Orientation
4. Medical
BiometricsVisit Office (New Work Permit)
Shram Swikriti in Nepal

Application for the Foreign Employment Work Permit Card is free of cost, but you must pay for your InsuranceForeign employment welfare fundMedical, and orientation fees.

Read: Steps to Pay Shram Swikriti Payment Online in Nepal

How to Create an Account in FEIMS for Shram Swikriti?

Register for foreign empluyment work permit
Create an account in DOFE for the Shram Swikriti Online application

You will need a Username and Password to login to FEMIS, where you can apply for a Work Permit. Follow the steps below to create an account, first:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Login on Foreign Employnment side.
  3. Enter your Passport Number, and click on Next.
  4. Choose your Birth Date and click on the register button.
  5. Enter your Email address Or Mobile number, and you will receive an OTP code.
  6. Check your mobile or email for OTP, type it, and click on verify.
  7. Now, You will get an email with your username and password.

You will receive your Username and Passport for the Foreign Employment Information Management System through SMS or Email. (Depends on what you have chosen)

You can also reset your password through this if you’ve forgotten it.

FEMIS will send your OTPs, Username, and Password on your email and mobile so, it is important to use your personal for safer and future use.

After this, you can follow the process below to apply for your Foreign Employment Work Permit.

Application Process to Get Shram Swikriti Online

To get your Shram Swikriti first, you need to create an online account in the Foreign Employment Information Management System.

Then you must apply for the Work Permit application and submit the necessary information and documents.

After completing the application process, Visit the Department of Foreign Employment (DOFE) office for your Biometric Submission, and once your application is accepted, you can print your work permit.

First, log into your FEIMS account and click Apply for Work Permit.

a. Basic Information

basic information for shram swikriti
Fill information accurately, and all the fields with (*) are a must

Your personal information includes your name, marriage status, address, contact details, citizenship, and passport info.

Once you upload your photo, it cannot be changed again by yourself, so choose a neat and tidy image of yours. (Your photo should be in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format.)

If you mistakenly uploaded the wrong picture, you must visit the DOFE office and request a change.

Add your mobile number and email address (If you forget your password, it will help you recover).

Update your citizenship and passport information, then click on next.

Important Information

Some information is already taken and filled on the boxes from the Department of Passport. Other than that, all boxes with an asterisk sign (*) must be filled correctly.

If you take an image from your Android phone, there is no need to worry because it is probably in JPEG format. But iPhone users need to change their image format to JPEG or PNG.

b. Bank Account Information

Bank account for shram swikriti
You must have a bank account if you wish to get Shram Swikriti

According to the rule set by the government of Nepal, all workers on foreign employment need to have a Bank Account.

Enter your bank account details, or you can use your family member’s account as well. (It is recommended to open a bank account in your own name).

Check: List of Commercial Banks in Nepal

You can upload a picture of your checkbook’s front cover where the account holder’s name and number are visible. You can also screenshot bank account opening emails.

c. Family Information

Family info in foreign employment work permit
You should mention all Family info in the foreign employment work permit

Here you need to enter your father’s and mother’s names. If you are married, write your wife/husband’s name on your spouse’s name and no. of children if you have any.

Emergency Contact Info: Here, enter your close family member’s details, like spouse, parents, or sibling.

This is important because it will be used to contact them if something happens to you. So, please do not make a mistake will entering their contact.

Nominee: If something happens to you, the nominee can claim insurance payments and other applicable monetary advantages.

d. Work Permit Info

Work permit information
Select New Work Permit

Select New Work Permit to know how to apply for Renew / Re-entry. We will write a new article.

Company detail: Here, select the country company’s name and currency you are going to work for. You can add the company you are going to work for if you do not find it in the list.

Facility detail: Check your Employment Offer or Agreement Paper. You can find all the information there.

Other facilities: You can check in employment whether your company provides transportation and health insurance.

Visa info: Check your passport for visa no. Issue and expiry date.

Please check your company’s official employment offer letter before filling in this information. If you enter wrong, then your work permit might be rejected.

Documents needed to apply Work Permit in Nepal

document needed for shram swikriti
You must upload documents that are (*) for Shram Swikriti

The documents you need to upload for a new work permit are as follows:

  1. Visa Copy
  2. Passport
  3. Employment Contract in (English)
  4. Embassy Letter
  5. Employment Contract (Nepali)
  6. Visa Verification Letter (If you have one)
  7. Other Supporting Documents

Download Form

All the images should be in JPG, PNG, or PDF format and should be less than 5 Mb in size.

You can use TinyPng to shrink your image size.

e. Bank, Insurance, Orientation, and Medical Info

Payment of Insurance and Welfare Funds for Work Permit
Payment of Insurance and Welfare Fund for Work Permit

You must provide a report of your medical checkups and a two-day orientation from an approved organization.

After that, pay for Foreign employment welfare funds and Insurance, which can be paid online using digital wallets in Nepal.

Bank: You must pay Rs 1500 for the foreign employment welfare funds.

Insurance: All workers must apply for insurance to get their foreign employment work permit.

Age2.5 years PremiumWalfare Fund
18 – 35 yearsरू 3708रू 1500
36 – 50 yearsरू 4531रू 1500
51 – 64 yearsरू 5463रू 1500
Insurance and Welfare funds amount for a foreign work permit in Nepal

After completing all the necessary payments and providing reports, you can now click on Next. (These are linked with your Passport, so you do not need to provide this information manually).

f. Preview

If you send them information that does not match the uploaded documents, your application will be rejected.

Please check the information you have entered before clicking next, and if you find any mistyped or wrong information, change it.

g. Confirm

After completing all the steps above, uploading, and paying fees, you can submit your application.

Select the Foreign Employment Office nearest to you. If it is not available, then you need to visit the Kathmandu branch. After this, choose a date that has a token remaining.

Your application will be submitted successfully. You can see the status as submitted.

In case you have uploaded the wrong documents through the mistaken process, then please click on the back and make the necessary corrections before confirming your submission.

Shram Swikriti form submitted
Online application form submitted for Shram Swikriti

Video Guide to Apply for Online Work Permit

Work Permit Card| अनलाइन श्रम स्वीकृति | Credit: Ujyaalo TV

FAQs for Foreign Work Permits in Nepal

Can I apply for a Shram Swikriti Work Permit online in Nepal?

Yes, Shram spirit, also known as Work Permit, can be applied online in Nepal and from abroad as well.

How much does it cost to apply for Shram Swikrit in Nepal?

It will cost around रू 8708 to apply for Shram Swikriti, which includes payments of Insurance, Welfare funds, Medical, and Orientation.

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