Concordia is one of the five officially licensed operators for the UK Seasonal Visa 2023 and has been part of it since the beginning.
Concordia does not directly hire workers through its main websites but has agents all over the world to help them. According to their official website, there are currently 10 agents.
One of their agent Greenwall Consultancy was serving as an agent in Nepal for the 2022 season, but they have stopped their service for 2023.
Application Process through AG Recruitment
Concordia has always said all workers recruited by them do not need to pay any recruitment fees to Concordia or its agents during the recruitment process.
Apply Process For Uk Seasonal Visa through Concordia
The application process expressed by Concordia to apply for a UK Seasonal Visa is listed below in detail:
- Contact an agent in your country: To obtain a UK Seasonal Work Visa through Concordia, you may need to contact an agent in your country. This agent may be able to provide you with information about the program and assist you with the application process.
- If you are accepted into the program: If you are accepted into the program, your agent may assign you a work placement in the UK. This work placement may be a specific job that you have been offered by an employer in the UK. (Farm, Agriculture, Fruit Picking, Vegetable)
- Concordia issues you with a Certificate of Sponsorship: If you have been assigned a work placement through the program, Concordia or the employer will issue you with a CoS (Certificate of Sponsorship). This is a reference number that confirms that you have been offered a job and that you are eligible to work in the UK. (You will need this CoS reference number for visa application)
- Your agent assists you to apply for a visa: Your agent may assist you with the process of applying for a Visa. This may involve helping you gather the necessary documents and information and submitting your application online. (You will need to visit British Embassy in your Country)
- Arrive in the UK: Once your visa has been approved, you will be able to travel to the UK to begin your seasonal work placement. (You can visit The UK 3 Month Before your work start)
According to Concordia, they are able to accept applications from that country where they got GLAA licensed agents.
5 Recruitment Companies or Operators for Seasonal Visa 2023
List of Agents of Concordia
These agents work under Concordia and are officially recognized on their official website.
Agent Name | Country |
Agropraktika | Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Poland, and Latvia |
International Information Centre | Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan |
Student Exchange Center | Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan |
C.S.P.A | Ukraine, Kazakhstan |
Career International | Armenia and Azerbaijan |
Best Opportunity | Romania and Moldova |
G-Solutions | Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Uzbekistan |
Summer Job | Bulgaria and Macedonia |
YSP Job Solution | Bulgaria and Macedonia |
CV Placements | South Africa |
+2passout 2020
Searching for season visa for United kindle (U.K)
dear, sir/madam
I am very interest to working in this 2024/2025 seasonal work. I have knowledge in agriculture, horticulture field so if you give a chance
I am very thank full to you
Dear. Sir/Madam
I kindly request you to include Asian countries for seasonal visa. Because these countries have skilled workers.
Respected Sir/ Madam.
My name is Beg Bahadur khan thakuri.i have 5 year experience agricultural. I love if you give me opportunity working good and hard.thank you.
Hello, UK Seasonal Visa Recruiters are not accepting applications from Nepal. – Kathmandupost
Hello sir i am interested for this job.
From Nepal ,i need to work seasional visa
I have 5 years experience in agriculture farm industry n i. Love to work there as soon as plzz response it n I am hardworking man.
Dear Sir/Madam my name is Thamsanqa Mhlanga can accept me for seasonal jobs in your Company I’m from Zimbabwe
Hlo sir I am from Nepal I am man kumari gurung l am interested work UK seasonal
From Nepal, I need to work seasonal visa
UK Seasonal work from Nepal
Seasonal visa