Reissue Lost Documents like License, Billbook, Permit in Nepal [2025 Updated]

Reissue Lost Driving License in Nepal

LOST DOCUMENT APPLICATION PROCESS IN NEPAL: You can now apply for a recommendation letter for lost Driving license, Bill book, and Road permit online.

You do not need to apply for a Driving License again if you’ve lost, damaged, or got stolen. Here is an easy process to recover your document.

GuideApplication for Lost Document
Documents Lost1. License,
2. Bill Book and,
3. Road Permit
Application ModeOnline
Receive DocumentVisit Office
Report FeeNone
Reissue FeeRs 500
Lost Document Overview

Process to Recover Lost Document in Nepal

To recover a lost, stolen, or damaged documents like license, blue book, or road permit in Nepal, first obtain an online recommendation letter from the Traffic Police. Then, visit the issuing Transport Office to get a duplicate.

1. Get Recommendation Letter from Traffic Police through Online Application

Lost License Reissue Online
Application for Lost Driving License Online

To request a recommendation letter from the traffic police online, follow 5 steps listed below.

1. Visit lost document application page

First visit Nepal Police official website:

2. Select document you need to replace

Now, select the document type you need to reissue:

  • Driving License – Need your license number
  • Bill Book – Need your Vehicle Number
  • Road Permit – Need yourVehicle Number

3. Enter your personal and document details

Here, you must enter your details, such as Name, Phone number, and Address. It should match information issued in your Citizenship/License/Passport.

4. Upload verification and Submit

The fourth step is to upload official government issued id like Citizenship, Driver’s License, and Passport for verification then click on Submit button.

After uploading the document, you will get an Application ID keep it safe. It might take about 24 hours to 3 days to get your letter ready.

5. Download Recommendation Letter

Get Recommendation Letter fromTraffic Office Online
Image Screenshot Credit: Techno KD

Finally, to download your recommendation letter visit and enter your Application ID number.

If your certificate is ready then Download and Print the PDF file and go to the Department of Transport within 7 days to replace your lost document.

Note: Follow these steps only if you have a copy or remember your license details. If not, you must contact Transport Department to find your license number.

2. Visit Transport Office to get Duplicate

After receiving your siparish (recommendation letter) from the Traffic Police, visit the Vehicle and Transport Management Office (Yatayat Office).

Submit the required documents including original citizenship, provide your fingerprint, and get approval for a duplicate license.

After approval, you must pay a Rs. 500 revenue, and you will receive a pink receipt. This receipt serves as a temporary license until you receive your new driving license card is printed.

Helpful TIP: If you are a foreign worker, student, or need to go abroad with proper documentation like visa, work permit, government work, then you can apply for emergency license it will take 3 days or less to receive your smart card.


What If I do not remember my License Number?

If you do not remember your license number, you cannot recover your driver’s license or apply for recommendation letter at Traffic Police.

How to recover my License Number?

If you do not have a copy of you driver’s license, then visit transport office that issued your license along with your Original Citizenship and request them to search license detail for you. It is free but might take time to search your details.

Can I remake my driving license if I lose it?

You can reissue your driving license if it is lost, stolen, or damaged by accident. You need to get a recommendation letter from Traffic Polic and Submit it to the Transport office along with an application.

Do I need to pay for the Replacement of the License if Lost?

Yes, you must pay around Rs 500 to remake your license. The fee to reprint the license might change. Please do confirm at the transport office.

How to check if my application for a Lost license, Bill book, or Road permit is ready?

To check if your recommendation letter for the lost document is ready or not, you need to visit their check application page at then enter your Application ID number.

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