After China has seen a surge in cases of this new Covide variant BF.7 our neighboring country India has started taking certain actions for prevention.
Nepal’s Ministry of Health and Population alerted people to wear masks and do other necessary hygienic activities to stop the spread of the virus in Nepal.
New covid variant BF.7 in Nepal
There is no record of Covid BF.7 cases in Nepal as of today but as we have an open border with India it might take a long to get our very first case o this new variant. So, The Health Ministry has also requested citizens to take their booster shots of Covid 19.
“The new variant, BF.7 has been detected in India and China, and its transmission to Nepal may take place due to open border with the countries.”
“So, precaution should be adopted,” he added.
The variant has not been detected in Nepal so far. “Those who have taken the first and second dose of the vaccines should compulsorily get a booster shot.”
Ministry’s Spokesperson Dr Sanjaya Kumar Thakur – Source
Covid19 Cases in Nepal, as of 26th December 2022
Total Infected | Infected | Recovered | Deaths |
1000966 | 11 | 988936 | 12019 |
Symptoms of New Covid variant BF.7

The symptoms of this variant are similar to those of the other subvariants of Omicron, a BF.7 infected person has symptoms such as
- fever,
- cough,
- sore throat,
- runny nose,
- fatigue,
- vomiting and
- diarrhea.
As we already know that this virus can cause severe disease in people who have a weak immune system. If you have any of the symptoms then it is advised to check to test for covid.
Precautions of New Covid variant BF.7

“Precaution is better than cure,” We’ve learned this since our schooling days as this is what we need to stay safe.
- Use Sanitizer,
- Wear a Mask,
- Get a Booster Dose,
- Take care of Hygiene,
- Avoid going to Public Places,
- Social or Physical Distance.
Use Sanitizer: Use a hand sanitizer after having physical contact or going out in public places. If not then use soap to wash your hand.
Wear a Mask: It is impossible to stay at home if you are a student, working, or in other professions for safety measures. But one simple and cheap method to prevent infection from spreading is by wearing a mask.
This prevents the spread and saves you from Coronavirus.
Get a Booster Dose: The Health Ministry of Nepal has already advised citizens to take a booster shot, as Covid19 BF.7 cases have risen in China and are seen in India as well.
Take care of Hygiene: Cleanliness is the key, you need to keep your house and yourself clean. If someone from your family is infected then take care of cleaning,
Avoid going to Public Places: Governments from all over the world declared lockdown because of the dramatic rise in Corona Virus during 2019.
If you cannot avoid going then take necessary action before leaving your house.
Social or Physical Distance: Make necessary distance from strangers and pedestrians, this will help you stay away from their contact and spread of the virus,